How to Help Stop Uyghur Forced Labor

What is Uyghur forced labor?

Uyghur forced labor is a serious issue. The CCP has been using Uyghur forced labor to pick cotton in East Turkistan, and have been sending Uyghurs into China to work in manufacturing facilities. These Uyghurs, under the guise of “re-education” and “vocational skills”, have been forced to work in camps under coercion. The CCP uses coercive tactics, ordering re-education courses for those who refuse along with the implicit threat of detention in concentration camps.

Ending Uyghur Forced Labor:

End Uyghur Forced Labour: The End Uyghur Forced Labour Coalition is a group of over 100 organizations that are fighting to end the pervasiveness of Uyghur forced labor in the clothing industry and others. Check out the Call to Action now. See the list of brands that EUFL is looking at to end their complicity in Uyghur forced labor. Uyghur forced labor is not only in the clothing industry, but in all industries that operate in the Uyghur region. Visit here to learn about that.

#ForcedLabourFashion: #ForcedLabourFashion is calling out brands that are refusing to end their complicity in Uyghur forced labor. #FLF is releasing report cards on brands- did your favorite brand make the grade? Or are they refusing to acknowledge and end their complicity? Find out here. We’ve got more actions you can take to tell your favorite brands to end their complicity here.

Evidence of Uyghur Forced Labor

The use of forced labor by the Chinese Communist Party is well-documented, and has been a serious cause of concern, particularly as the regime commits genocide against the Uyghurs. Here are some reports and articles that go into depth about Uyghur forced labor.


Campaign for Uyghurs’ Genocide Report: In July 2020, Campaign for Uyghurs released a report documenting evidence and coming to the conclusion that the Chinese regime is committing genocide against the Uyghurs.

World Uyghur Congress’ Human Rights Report: In May 2021, World Uyghur Congress released a human rights report documenting and covering the events of 2020 in East Turkistan.

IN BROAD DAYLIGHT: Uyghur Forced Labour and Global Solar Supply Chains: In May 2021, a report released by Dr. Laura Murphy investigated the solar supply chain and found that 45% of raw material and 95% of processed materials were made in China, and that forced labor is prevalent through the supply chain, tainting the global supply.

Newlines’ Institute & Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights Genocide Report: In March 2021, the independent think tank Newlines’ Institute published a report documenting the crimes committed by the Chinese regime against Uyghurs. The legal analysis of the evidence and international law concluded that the CCP was committing genocide against the Uyghur people, violating the United Nations Genocide Convention.

Human Rights Watch Crimes Against Humanity Report: In April 2021, Human Rights Watch released a report concluding that the actions of the Chinese regime against Uyghurs and Turkic people constituted Crimes Against Humanity under the ICC Rome Statute. The report compiles findings and provides recommendations to the Chinese regime, international bodies such as the UN, and concerned states.

Australian Strategic Policy Institute “Uyghurs for Sale” Report: ASPI’s report from March 2020 detailed Uyghur forced labor and implicated 83 brands.


China uses Uyghur forced labour to make solar panels, says report

Apple suppliers linked to Uyghur forced labor in new report

I Grew Up Witnessing Forced Labor. U.S. Companies Must Step Up.

China’s ‘tainted’ cotton

‘If the others go I’ll go’: Inside China’s scheme to transfer Uighurs into work

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