Support Our Work to End the Uyghur Genocide

Campaign For Uyghurs is working tirelessly to carry out our mission of advocating for democratic rights and freedoms of the Uyghur people and put an end to the genocide being perpetrated today against them by the Communist Chinese Party.

In February 2022, Campaign for Uyghurs was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for our work in advocating for Uyghurs and fighting for an end to Uyghur genocide.

We have been at the forefront to end the Uyghur genocide, and have been recognized for our work by the World Movement for Democracy. We have spearheaded the launch of the Berlin-Beijing Olympics Campaign to call for a boycott of the games, and are actively working to end Uyghur forced labor, boycott the Olympics, and support Uyghur women & youth in their activism. Campaign For Uyghurs is proud to have launched the Congressional Uyghur Caucus with Representatives Tom Suozzi and Chris Smith dedicated to ending the Uyghur genocide.

Thanks to the generous contributions of individual donors, we have been able to fund the Hope House, a shelter in Turkey for Uyghur refugee youth. Your donations have been instrumental in supporting victims of this genocide and shining a light on the crimes of the CCP.

Your support will allow us to:

    • Campaign to end complicity in the genocide of Uyghurs
    • Empower Uyghur women & youth to become activists and fight against Uyghur genocide 
    • Interview victims of the camps and forced labor to show the world the nature of the Chinese regime’s atrocities
    • Support Uyghur refugee youth in Turkey

Donate now to help us continue our critical work.

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To mail a check, please send to:

Campaign For Uyghurs
1725 I (eye) Street NW, Suite 306
Washington, DC. 20006

Campaign for Uyghurs (CFU) is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Tax Code. Your donation is tax-deductible.
Our organization relies on grants, donations, and contributions to sustain, develop, and support its work and activities to advocate and promote human rights and democracy for the Uyghurs and other oppressed ethnicities in East Turkistan. Your donation will support our efforts to advocate for the democratic and human rights of the Uyghur people.