The Brief: ‘the last time I was able to talk to my father was 2014’


The Uyghur economist and human rights activist Ilham Tohti is this year’s Sakharov Prize winner for dedicating his life to the fight for the rights of China’s Muslim minority. In prison for the past 5 years, he won’t be able to collect it. Euronews interviewed his daughter, Jewher Ilham.

“The last time I was able to talk to my father was 2014 over Skype and that was the day before he was arrested. The last time I heard about my father was 2017. End of the 2017 I believe it was the last time a lawyer was allowed to visit my father. My father drafted his own appeal to the court by himself but it got rejected and I believe that the court didn’t even read his appeal,” explains Jewher lham.